We’re back! Join us this Thursday (11/21) at 7pm for Fly Tying at: 26650 The Old Rd., Ste 360, Valencia, CA
We will also have a zoom meeting open if you want to join remotely.
This week we will be tying the Peanut Envy which is a Kelly Galloup pattern. This is an articulated streamer pattern for trout and even bass. It looks complicated but it is really just 2 Wooly Buggers attached together. It should be fun! We will have all the supplies. If you are planning on joining and need to borrow a vice let me know and I will be sure to bring enough
Materials & Zoom info listed below / SCROLL DOWN – WAAAY DOWN!
More info: jonathan.summer96@gmail.com

Galloup’s Peanut Envy Recipe:
- Thread: White GSP 100
- Rear Hook: Daiichi 2460 #4 or MFC Articulated Streamer Hook #4 (Vertical Eye)
- Tail/Wing: Olive Marabou
- Flash in Tail: Copper Flashabou
- Body: Olive Ice Dub
- Hackle: Olive Grizzly Variant Schlappen or Saddle
- Rib: Brassie Size Copper Ultra Wire
- Legs: Golden Yellow/Pearl Flake Barred Crazy Legs
- Connection: AFW Surflon Micro Ultra Wire-19 Strand (17 or 26 lb)
- Articulation Bead: 1 Glass Bead
- Front Hook: Daiichi 2460 #1Or MFC Articulated Streamer Hook #1
- Skirt: Aftershaft of Olive Grizzly Variant Schlappen or Saddle or Olive Marabou
- Head: Olive Ice Dub
- Head: Large Black Nickel Brass Conehead
Time: Nov 21, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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